Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012 Reading & Blogging Goals

Reading Goals!
1. READ!! My number one goal is really to just read, read, read. I got into a slump in September 2010 when I started my first teaching job. As any teacher will tell you, the first year is BRUTAL and I could do nothing other than work or sleep. Over the summer, I started reading again and have learned how to work it into my schedule.

2. Read 100 books. I think I read about 50 this year, but only a few before June. I hope I can easily do 100.

3. Participate in the Back to the Classics Challenge. Check out my choices here.

Blogging goals!
1. Post 2-3 reviews per week and participate in 1-2 memes. I enjoy the memes, but want reviews to be the main focus.

2. Get to know other blogs and bloggers. There are tons of great blogs out there that I haven't discovered and I'd really like to read more and interact with bloggers.

3. Enjoy it! Remember that I created my blog for myself and that if it ever seems like a contest or a chore, take a step back.

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